Carme Puche


Director de cine

Barcelona, Barcelona, España

  • Inglés,
  • Español,
  • Catalan

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Etiquetats, 2012

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Descripción: Two minutes in 24 hours. A short film about identity. Or when we really don't want to show who we are. Original soundtrack also composed during those 24 hours, "Delirio de derribo". Etiquetats ​ Two minutes in 24 hours. A short film about identity. Or when we really don't want to show who we are. Original soundtrack also composed during those 24 hours, "Delirio de derribo". ​ In order of set arriving: ​ David Verdaguer Lola Luz López Jordi Rabascall Carme Puche Silvia García Palacios Beth Bardají Miki Esparver Nídia Tusal Sergi Vallès RR Anguera Sergio Álvarez Javi Rueda Carles Esporrín Núria Sas ​ Thanks to Miríam Compte AVED Producciones ​

Vistas proyecto: 1045 | Testimonios: 0 | Me gusta: 0

Imágenes del proyecto