Tipo de proyecto:
Descripción: Two minutes in 24 hours. A short film about identity. Or when we really don't want to show who we are. Original soundtrack also composed during those 24 hours, "Delirio de derribo". Etiquetats Two minutes in 24 hours. A short film about identity. Or when we really don't want to show who we are. Original soundtrack also composed during those 24 hours, "Delirio de derribo". In order of set arriving: David Verdaguer Lola Luz López Jordi Rabascall Carme Puche Silvia García Palacios Beth Bardají Miki Esparver Nídia Tusal Sergi Vallès RR Anguera Sergio Álvarez Javi Rueda Carles Esporrín Núria Sas Thanks to Miríam Compte AVED Producciones
Vistas proyecto: 1045 | Testimonios: 0 | Me gusta: 0