
Alquiler de iluminación, Jefe eléctricos / Gaffer

Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Österreich

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Home is Here, 2015

Tipo de proyecto: Film

Categoría: Jefe eléctricos / Gaffer

Descripción: Home is Here is a film about Hannah, a young woman who continuously breaks into the house of Max to secretly live out her personal dreams. In the wake of this recurrent act, Max, who spends his free time doing sports to meticulously control his emotional life, starts to notice changes in his home. A tender play begins between these two lonesome souls allowing them to realize that “home” is not necessarily a place and that personal longings and artistic aspirations can only be found within oneself: home is here. (Quelle: Austrian Film Commission)

Home is Here

Vistas proyecto: 1134 | Testimonios: 0 | Me gusta: 0