MakeitAlive Digital Media


Productor, Gráficos en movimiento 3D

Málaga, Provincia di Málaga, Spagna

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STEM CELLS, Fountain of Youth, 2016

Tipo de proyecto: Animación

Categoría: Gráficos en movimiento 3D

Descripción: Stem Cells, Fountain of Youth. This animated movie explains what stem cells are and what their role in the human body is. The animation shows in a fun and easy way why stem cells can be seen as “nature’s own anti-ageing agents”, and answers questions like “What is the difference between pluripotent and tissue-specific stem cells? ” and “How do stem cells age?”. So please enjoy and immerse yourselves in the wondrous world of stem cells for a few minutes.

Vistas proyecto: 1562 | Testimonios: 0 | Me gusta: 0