Tipo de proyecto: Comercial
Categoría: Agencia de casting/Servicios
Descripción: After receiving a request from creative agency Bellanopolis to find Lifestyle Models from around the world for their upcoming Nescafe social media campaign, in just a few days Modelmanagement.com found over 20 models from United States, Japan, France, UK and Brazil including male & female models with piercings, tattoos, hipsters, redhead, blond, Japanese, Algeria, Chinese, Indian among many others! This casting was a great challenge, as the team behind the project wanted to shoot in many different international locations, but the final result was a wonderful campaign and a happy client and models. “Modelmanagement.com is a community we’ve been working with as they fulfill all our model requests worldwide. Recently we had a new project where we needed numerous models from different countries, within days Modelmanagement.com provided several options from which we could choose. We were working closely together and we could feel their professionalism throughout the Job. They also took care of the paper work and where in direct contact with the models till the day of the shoot. They really supported us in the Casting Job from A-Z. we felt always in good hands.” Henrik Jessen – Founder/Director of Bellanopolis Studios
Vistas proyecto: 2032 | Testimonios: 0 | Me gusta: 0