Tony Vella - B.A.S. Bay Area Stunts


Coordinador de Stunts

San Francisco, San Francisco County, United States

  • Inglés

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Pushing Dead, 2016

Tipo de proyecto: Film

Categoría: Coordinador de Stunts

Descripción: Pushing Dead is a warm and magnetic comedy drama from Director Tom E. Brown. The film follows a struggling poet and writer named Dan Schauble (played by James Roday), who has been HIV positive for 22 years. He splits his San Francisco flat with his dear friend Paula (Robin Weigert), who is more like a sister than a friend to Dan. This is a very special movie. Although not a lot of stunts in it, the action is essential to the story including some bar room brawls, stunt driving around San Francisco and even some aerial stunt rigging flying for one of the young actresses. Winner of the San Francisco Frameline 40 Audience award and many more since.

Vistas proyecto: 1716 | Testimonios: 0 | Me gusta: 0

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