Gabriel Sitjas


Compositor digital

Barcelona, Barcelona, España

  • Inglés,
  • Español,
  • Catalan

0 seguidores

Sobre mí

Sr Nuke Compositor

Over 14 years in the TV,Media and Film Industry.

8 years as VFX Artist

1 VES Award for Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Feature Motion Picture "The Impossible"
3 Goyas as Best VFX Movie "Mortadelo" & "EVA"&"The Impossible"
1 Premi Gaudí "EVA"
1 Premi Sitges 2011 "EVA"

-Tini: El gran cambio de Violetta
- The Gambler
- Into the woods
- Hercules:The legend Begins
- "Kamikaze"
- "Möbius"
- "Una pistola en cada mano"
- "Un plan parfait"
- "Populaire"
- "Animals"
- "The Impossible"
- "Intruders"
- "Captain America, The First Avenger"
- "Agnosia"
- "EVA"
- "Hexe Lilli 2 - Die Reise nach Mandolan"
- "Knight Rider TV Series"
- "The Dark Knight"
- The Chronicles of Narnia "Prince of Caspian"
- Mortadelo y Filemón"Misión salvar la tierra"
- "Moscow zero"

Specialties: Films And TVC


  • Compositor digital


  • nuke
  • mocha-
  • roto
  • compositing

Más localizaciones de trabajo

  • Pamplona, Navarra, España