I am Javier Gimenez, originally from Argentina, and work as a Frelance Art Crew in movies since 2001.
I have been involved in the Arts since 1991, when I start my studies as a young teen and trough many experiences in different fields I have study and learned many of the trades in the Art Department; including Prop making and design, set making and design, costume making and design and a little bit in make up and prosthetic FXs. I have also taken serious courses and training in Photography, Illumination and Lighting (still photography, cinematic photography, in studio and out doors) and script writing and a very long list of ands.. All because I love Film Making and my personal passion for it comes only second to my family, my son and my wife.
I have taken time-off from the runs for a number of reasons, mainly because of moving around the world too much (maybe) as for the past fifteen years I've lived in 6 different cities in three counties (not counting my time at Sea), and as I have managed to find a few jobs in the industry, mainly for the lack of local contacts and networkings have only been small projects.
As I'm settling down in the great City of Liverpool (for long term as my son has just started school) I am again looking for gigs.
Due to my wide range of experience and expertise, I often play the Jack-Of-All-Trades card and have never let down a production.
I can be called temperamental and opinionated (especially when it comes to solving-the-problem-at-hand) but my work is always the best it can be done (under budget limitations, that is) and I've never had a producer or a team-mate telling me that I've failed to deliver.
I don't sleep, I don't stop. I eat on the go and I work till the job is done.
there is a bunch of photos and videos and all that, but unfortunately it's all dated and old... but don't panic! I've just put myself back to school!