

Editor audiovisual

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, United States

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Silent Roar, 2017

Tipo de proyecto: Documentary

Categoría: Editor audiovisual

Descripción: Herbert M. Dawley was an American Original. He designed cars at Pierce-Arrow... he was a playwright and director... and most importantly, a pioneer in the earliest days of cinema. Silent Roar, the DVD companion to the book "An Artist's Life," focuses on Dawley's contributions as an animator. He created a collection of groundbreaking fantasy shorts featuring prehistoric subjects in both a humorous and dramatic context. Until now, they were considered lost films. I'm proud to be co-producer of Silent Roar, as well as editor; piecing together reels of film from New Jersey to Paris. I meticulously restored each reel on a frame-by-frame basis.

Vistas proyecto: 1909 | Testimonios: 0 | Me gusta: 0

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