Props builder / maker

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Props builder/ maker

Prop Makers are given instructions, designs or rough ideas by the Production Designer, Art Director or Property Master. Before the shoot, Prop Makers plan and create the required props. They may carry out their own research into the style and specifications of the props. On period films, this may also involve finding out how the objects would have been created during a particular historical period and culture. creativeskillset

Art / Product Design, Props builder / maker members

  • Freelancer
    Assistant Art Director, On set assistance
    1 follower | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Props builder / maker
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Art Director, Interiorist
    English, Spanish, Catalan, French
    1 follower | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Props builder / maker
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials

Art / Product Design, Props builder / maker projects