Focus puller

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Focus puller

An assistant to a film or television cameraman, who is responsible for keeping the lens focused during filming. wikipedia

Camera, Focus puller members

  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    English, Spanish
    8 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    English, Spanish, Italian
    2 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    DOP (director of photography), Camera operator
    English, Spanish, Catalan
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Company
    Focus puller
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Assistant camera operator, Camera operator
    English, Spanish
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    English, German
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    English, German
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Assistant camera operator, Camera operator
    English, Spanish
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    English, Spanish, Catalan
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    No languages defined
    1 follower | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Camera operator, DOP (director of photography)
    English, French
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Camera operator, Assistant camera operator
    English, Spanish
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    DOP (director of photography), Camera operator
    English, Spanish, Catalan
    19 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Focus puller
    English, Portuguese, Turkish
    0 followers | 0 testimonials

Camera, Focus puller projects