Carme Puche


Film Director

Barcelona, Barcelona, España

  • English,
  • Spanish,
  • Catalan

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Ferrying Fee, 2016

Type of project: Short film

Category: Film Director

Description: A pirate shipwrecked on a desert island in the middle of nowhere. While he tries to escape, watching the horizon for a ship, he will discover the presence of a strange but attractive female presence... #All shot in Catalonia. Under a scorching sun. SCALLIE FILMWORKS, AVED PRODUCCIONES & ESTUDIPUCHE PRODUCTION. RICHARD FELIX MERCÈ MONTALÀ ABBIE LONG DAISY LONG JOSEP M. ALEJANDRE REG WILSON Script ERIN DONOVAN Director CARME PUCHE Executive Producers CARME PUCHE ERIN DONOVAN DANIEL LOZANO Production Design SILVIA GARCÍA PALACIOS Assistant Director LUZ LÓPEZ Director of Photography SERGIO ÁLVAREZ-NAPAGAO Original Score Music JORDI RABASCALL HARRISON LONG Art Direction ANA LUCIA HURTADO Costume Design NÍDIA TUSAL Make up Artist and Special Effects SUSANA JIN Production Manager GERARD FOSSAS NOGUERA Assistant Unit Manager PABLO PINEL Production Assistants EDYTA KWIATEK ABBIE LONG SANTIAGO MAROTO Sound Designer and Mix Editor JORDI RABASCALL Sound Assistant and Mix Engineer HARRISON LONG Camera Operator JAVIER RUEDA Focus Puller FABIÁN ROJAS Gaffer JORDI MONTORNÉS Underwater Second Unit CHRIS LONG Editor and Visual Effects JAVIER RUEDA Colorist SERGIO ÁLVAREZ-NAPAGAO Casting assistant DAISY LONG Dressmaking and catering CARME MORÉ Runner and Stills CARLES PUCHE Runner BALTASAR JIMÉNEZ Scuba Diving Support AGUSTINA JACAS Make up Consultancy WENDY LÓPEZ Logistics-Hotel Cala Joncols JUAN MANUEL GÓMEZ MICHAEL GÓMEZ CELINE CAYRE Special Collaboration Hotel Cala Jóncols ONG Itran Amigos del pueblo Marroquí ALAMI SUSI Special thanks to Josep Tomàs" Joan Font - AcuSub Diego Vallejo Paco Peris Lidia Expósito Agustina Jacas Sergi Vallés Toni Salas Hotel Cala Jóncols Staff Zita Vehil Mercedes Palacios Miguel García Esther Escribano Glòria Auleda Bob Redpath Antonio Escribano Restaurante Ca la Maria (Mataró) Ximo Aritz Sanjurjo Díaz Antonio Abat, president de la Federació de Confraries de Pescadors de Girona Josep Giró Vigo Elena Marcos Miguel Angel García Chiqui and Alfons Esteban Fernandez Valle ARTIGAU Toni Santos

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