Carme Puche


Film Director

Barcelona, Barcelona, España

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The Jump! WTF experience, 2014

Type of project: Documentary

Category: Film Director

Description: National Selection I In-Edit International Music Documentary Festival 2014 Official Selection I Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival 2017 It's 2012, Spain is suffering intensely the financial crisis. It's the year when huge weekly protests become the norm. Meanwhile, at the notorious Jamboree Jazz Club of Barcelona, youngsters take a stand against the despair. They represent a cry for life. They improvise openheartedly, be it jazz, hip hop, or electronica. It is the WTF Jam Sessions. But the crisis consumes them all. WTF is close to disappearing. For the 80 years old Pere Ferrer this news does not come by surprise; he has inaugurated and ended many clubs. Along with Wally Besser, they are the only survivors of Jamboree's first live band in 1949. Past and present mixes. Finally, young and old musicians will join music together. Written and directed by Carme Puche Moré Director of Photography :: Sergio Álvarez-Napagao Producer :: Javier Rueda Assistant Director :: Luz López Cameraman (1st unit) :: Sergio Álvarez-Napagao, Pilar M. Aláez, Ibán Granero, Mónica Alías Cameraman (2nd unit) :: Javier Rueda, Marcel Buisan, Pablo Herrera, Georgie Uris, Estefan Chavarriaga, Marc Arroyo, Pau Martí, Osvaldo Riccardi, Ruth Zapater Sound Mix and Sound Design :: Jordi Rabascall Live Sound Recording :: RR Anguera and Roger Pueyo; Marc Carmona (assistant) Assistant producers :: Abigail Long, Maite Mayol, Alicia Olivares, Daniel Simon, Eva Albaladejo Edition :: Júlia Obiols Graphic Design: Wendy Montasell and Jordi Rabascall; Natalia Guerrero (assistant) DIT, Dubbing and Assistance :: Mònica Alías i Iban Granero, Maite Mayol Transcription and Translation :: Neus Baras, Emilija Ruzgaite, Neringa Tumenaite, Pau Tur, Sara Maritan, Carlos Selva Subtitles: Silvia García Palacios, Gerard Fossas, Carlos Hidalgo, Jordi Montornés Documentation :: Mireia Llopart Promotional videos :: Esther Martínez, Lyuba Dimitrova Crowdfunding & communication :: Mila Nikolova, Beth Bardají, María José Rodríguez, Lídia Expósito, Jonathan Guillén Web :: Sergio Álvarez Napagao, Javier Rueda, Cristian Planas Sponsoring :: Jordi Barnadas Still Photography :: Josep Tomàs, Carles Esporrín Thanks to :: Joan Mas, Aurelio Santos, Pere Pons, Leo Bianchi, Erin Donovan, Helí Núñez, Carlos Puche, Michael Levine (Ergosum Productions), Roger Pueyo (Taller de So), Pablo Herrera (Colectivo Piloto), Sergi Vila, Eva Lussina, Osvaldo Riccardi (Crearsa), David Carreras, Josep Tomàs, Bill Crow, Charles R. Boyer, Jordi Pujol Baulenas, Miquel Jurado, Miquel Tusset, Ràdio Vicentina, Xavier Salazar, Alex Burunova, Chase Friedman, Bar Restaurante La Mitad del Mundo (Barcelona), Joan Antoni Fàbregas (Alta Costura), David Cellato (Club Marítim de Barcelona), Laurence Sternberg, ADIF, Guiemot, Andrew Staffell, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Telecom Barcelona, AC Telecogresca, Elena Rué y Patricia Bonet (Catalan Films), Barcelona Plató, Jazzman, Claire D. Hand, Jordi Bonás.

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