Type of project: Documentary
Category: DOP (director of photography)
Description: PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS: Nominated Oficial Section Malaga Film Festival (Malaga) Nominated Oficial Section DOCS Barcelona (Barcelona) Nominated Oficial Section EDOC (Ecuador) Nominated Oficial Section FICC Cuenca (Ecuador) Nominated Oficial Section TALCA (Chile) Nominated Oficial Section FICG (Méjico) My responsibilities as Cinematographer are: * Creating the photography proposal, appropriate to the script, the tone and magnitude of the project. * Search and order material for the proper shooting. * Communication between the photographic department and other departments. * Tests camera, choice of this, and further treatment to get the desired image. * Quick and well shotting in front of the sudden situations. * Responsibility of the shotted material, and the quality of technical and artistic images. * Colour, as a Cinematographer.
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