Valentino Brioschi


Film Director

Barcelona, Barcelona, España

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4th. The Matter of Time, 2018

Type of project: Short film

Category: Music Producer

Description: “Beauty is a very mutable concept. Change in time and space and, depending on who looks at it, and live it, as well changes in substance. So what is Beauty? Probably the inner emotion of who’s watching it; it's a State of Mind. "History of Beauty" by Umberto Eco. Synopsis: 4th. The Matter of Time. It represents my idea of the 4th Dimension that transcends the Natural Law of our World. Another Dimension free from the immutable concept of Time. A Dimension where Time is created and shaped through Creation. Hindu mythology represents the cosmic river in the divine image of Siva that dances: its Dance holds the Course of the Universe. It is the flow of Time. In a New Vision of scientific research The Universe unravels its Becoming through a new spatial and temporal concept: the Multiverse. Two Women Mothers of Creation contend the Destiny of Time: Human or Universal ?. Relative or Immutable ?. What is the Order of Time ?. What is the human feeling that allows us to transcend it?. Beauty?, that means a philosophical and aesthetic research through which we wonder and look at the World and Beyond?. Symbolism: .The three moons, the full moon and the two half-moons in this video, represent the Symbol of Goddess Tanit, the Phoenician goddess of fertility whose cult is common in Ibiza. .Location is precisely Ibiza: in ancient Phoenician the name is Ibosim which takes its name from the Egyptian God Bes. Divinity of Protection, Dance and Mothers who procreate. .One of the techniques in this video is "Particles" in After Effects, a way to symbolize the smallest particles of the space-time: the quantum particles of Plank: The smallest part through which one can measure Time, whose Nature now presents itself in a Granular way. We can no longer think of the duration of Time as continous. We must think of it as discontinuous. For this in the video there are some small visual and temporal jumps. .In the beginning the Music consists of a series of sounds whose base is a frequency of 432Hz. The 432Hz Music comes from a natural resonance with the frequencies at the base of our organism and the universe. The music regulated on 432 Hz spreads in the body and in the nature, giving energy and sense of peace.

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