Type of project: Documentary
Category: Photo Assistant
Description: MANUAL DEL MACHO ALFA. Documental. Uruguay 2014. Escrito y dirigido por Guillermo Kloetzer. SINOPSIS Manual del Macho Alfa, recoge los momentos clave en la aventura de vida de dos lobos marinos, al tiempo que revela con ironía, aspectos que tenemos en común con estos seres peludos y de pocos modales. El documental acompaña desde el nacimiento a sus personajes, señalando cada acierto y cada error en sus carreras por llegar a ser un macho alfa. El objetivo final: la conquista de un harem con diez hembras; por el camino, el drama y la comedia se disputan el protagonismo en un relato crudo de la condición vital. Storyline The life of a seal is pretty unfair. During mating season, the strong ones take ten females each, nine males stay without a partner. This wildlife comedy observes a colony of seals and tells the story of one of them: We follow him through the crude beauty of birth, being fed by his mother, and being pushed away when the next new-born is due. His adolescent fight to define his place in life - and finally his efforts during mating season. Fresh, funny and with entertaining narration, the film switches from the sex life of seals to our own manners of courtship and mating. Isn't our life all about reproducing ourselves? What does us humans divide from mammals when it comes to love, sex and reproduction? Aren't we all seals after all...?
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