Actor / Actress

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Actor/ Actress

An actor/ actress is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor performs "in the flesh" in the traditional medium of the theatre, or in modern mediums such as film, radio, and television. wikipedia

Cast / Models / Talents, Actor / Actress members

  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    No languages defined
    1 follower | 0 testimonials
  • Employee
    Actor / Actress
    Spanish, Catalan
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Employee
    Actor / Actress
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    English, Spanish, German, Romanian
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Student
    Director, Casting assistant
    No languages defined
    1 follower | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    English, Spanish, German, Catalan
    1 follower | 0 testimonials
  • Student
    Producer, Assistant Director (1st.)
    English, Spanish, Basque
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Employee
    Actor / Actress
    English, Spanish, Catalan
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Employee
    Actor / Actress
    English, Spanish, Catalan, Italian
    2 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Afrikaans
    1 follower | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    No languages defined
    1 follower | 0 testimonials
  • Company
    Actor / Actress
    English, Spanish
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    English, Spanish, Catalan
    7 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Actor / Actress
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Film Director, Assistant Director (1st.)
    1 follower | 0 testimonials

Cast / Models / Talents, Actor / Actress projects