Marc M Sarrado


DOP (director of photography)

Beijing, Beijing, China

  • English,
  • Spanish,
  • Catalan,
  • French


About me

Marc M. Sarrado likes his natural habitat: creative documentaries, documentary series and reportage. He firmly believes, they are the best way of expressing and communicating what happens in real life. Marc's purpose and goal, essentially is to tell good stories using the camera, to show the world's idiosyncrasy and to try and understand LIFE, including its conflicts and virtues.

Award-winning Director of Photography and Documentary Filmmaker, in 1996 he ends his cinematography studies at Centre Calassanç (now ESCAC) in Barcelona.

Integral to his professional vision are a strong creative and journalistic instinct, as well as compelling non-fiction storytelling for international audiences. Among his works, many of the last films he has participated in have been awarded in recognition of the artistic values and the importance of the told story. Sand Wars, Back to Nadia, The Light Bulb Conspiracy, Good Luck For You Every Day or Songs of Redemption are some examples.

Marc has filmed in more than fifty countries all over the globe, mainly in poverty-stricken areas. His responsibility often included not only shooting but also field producing, sound recording and editing. At the beginning of his trajectory, he also frequently worked as a sound mixer and cameraman. But since 2004, Marc has focused his professional skills exclusively on camera work as well as directing documentary films. Marc is in constant development of his very personal way to frame the reality and the use of the newest tecnology to tell the story.

1997 onwards: DOP, cameraman, editor and ENG crew member for daily news department, as well as in the documentary and New Formats department of Televisió de Catalunya (TVC). Since 2004: DOP, cameraman, reporter and director working on documentary series, creative documentaries and factual programmes for key independent production companies and broadcasters in Europe and beyond: ARTE, PBS, AJ, CBS, BLOOMBERG TV, FOX IC, SBS-Aus., RTBF, TVE, NOS, RTS and more.

Website: http://www.marcmartinezsarrado.c


  • DOP (director of photography)