Eva Crespo


Editor / Cutter Audiovisual

London, Greater London, United Kingdom

  • English,
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Rio Olympic Games, 2016

Type of project: TV content

Category: Editor / Cutter Audiovisual

Description: ONC (Olympic News Channel). OBS-OLYMPIC BROADCASTING SERVICES Edited ready-to-air VT’s for the official 2016 Olympics Broadcaster. Daily fast turn-around work to meet tights deadlines while maintaining quality. Also final mixed and uploaded onto the ONC’s broadcast systems. Subjects covered included: - Handball, Mountain-biking and Football highlights of the day 3-1.30” VTs - Athletes profiles and interviews- 2x 3’’ VTs - Features on Rio, it’s people, communities, social issues – 2x3” per day - “Images of the Day” – Daily Olympic highlights cut to music – 1x3-4” per day

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