

Sound Designer

Berna, Berna, Suiza

  • English,
  • Spanish,
  • German,
  • French


About us

Yes, we could start our ‘about’ by gloating that we’re a globally acclaimed sound design and audio post production company.
But we won’t dwell.

For us, the most important thing to mention is the soundtrack - it should be utilised, pushed and looked after in whatever you’re creating.
Be it feature films; adverts, games, digital experiments, sonic branding, or anything audible; we can help to push the boundaries of technology to create groundbreaking audio. With recently refurbed studios, we’ve got the gear & the idea to keep exploring, developing and advancing.

This is how miracles happen – in the form of melodies that sometimes move us to tears, bring a smile to our everyday lives – or are so catchy that we just can’t stop humming them.

Website: http://artandsoundstudio.com


  • Sound Designer


  • mixing
  • composition
  • production
  • encoding
  • song-writing
  • music-publishing
  • arrangement
  • mastering
  • foley

More work locations

  • Barcelona, Barcelona, España