
Is an unusual and difficult physical feat or an act requiring a special skill. Where the film requires a stunt, and involves the use of stunt performers, the stunt coordinator will arrange the casting and performance of the stunt, working closely with the director and the 1st AD. wikipedia

Stunt members

  • Freelancer
    Stunt Rigger
    English, German
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Stunt Driver
    No languages defined
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Company
    Stunt Rigger
    English, Spanish, Catalan
    0 followers | 0 testimonials
  • Freelancer
    Stunt Coordinator
    0 followers | 0 testimonials

Stunt projects

  • Type: Film

    0 testimonials | 1930 views | 1 like
  • Type: Film

    0 testimonials | 1692 views | 0 likes